The newly updated Critical Care Center website at is an external location where CCC practitioners can easily find and share information that impacts their intensive care practice.  Below is a brief introduction to our site.

We hope this site improves your workflow by (1) decreasing email searches for old emails and attachments or texts to colleagues for clarification and (2) connects you better with one another via increased ease and opportunities for collaboration, research, and discussion!

Our goal is to create content useful to you, so please contact the webmaster at with any suggestions!


One Address, Two Websites

The welcome page for the web address for helps direct users to either the public (external) or private (internal) site.  The provider site is private and utilizes the password "criticalcare".  Additional information inside is also password-protected.

Different Audiences, Different Needs

The patient and family site contains a listing of all our CCC providers, follows our organizational goals, and recognizes our accomplishments and projects.  If you have something you would liek to promote on the public site, please contact the webmaster as we are currently seeking content suggestions.


Quick Links (Top)

  • Mendelay is a PubMed supported research article aggregator where you can download, save, group, share and discuss with other members of either the CCC group or a new group you may want to make for a research project or your unit.
  • We keep a blog of any email memo or verbal exchange regarding unit or CCC policies.  Can't always make QI meetings?  Work on multiple service lines?  Sign up for the RSS feed and have any updates sent to your inbox weekly rather than waiting to review for last month's minutes at the next meeting. 
  • All the CCC schedules are now uploaded in one place.  Bookmark us at, so no matter what service line you are on, you will have access to the most up-to-date version published.

Quick Links (Bottom)

  • Ongoing research projects are listed with their PIs and phase of research to allow others to get involved or avoid duplication of efforts.  Have an idea for a research project?  Post your interest and perhaps others will want to get involved, too.
  • Currently under construction, unit data from PSR previously shared only at CCC or QI meetings will be available for review and comparison among units by Dr. Dorotta. Additional passwords required.
  • Frequently requested shared files are available for download including worksheets, CCC Grand Rounds presentations, and other material with the author's permission.  Any practitioners with files they would like to share with their colleagues can email materials to the webmaster.

Other Features: NP schedule requests, resident and new staff unit orientation materials, and a shared calendar for all CCC meetings


We hope you check out all the amazing features of today for an easier tomorrow 😊